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Coaches Training and Resources
Coaches Resources

Coaches training is key for a successful league. Teaching youths the art of Baseball takes more than a knowledge of the game. Great coaches have learned how to teach the skills, while keeping their players excitement for the games. This takes real skill. District 68 offers both on-field coaches training along with on-line resources. Please take advantage of these tools to help you become one of our great District 68 coaches. Have fun out there, and see you around the fields.

Jerome Williams Practice Plans
T Ball practice plans Single A practice plans
AA First practice plan Upper A practice plans
AAA Practice plans Majors Practice plan
AAA and Above Strength Training

Big Al
On-line Coaching material available to all Managers, Coaches and Parents. Contact your league President to get your log-on information.

Little League Coaches resource page
Little League International Coaches Resource page.

Little League Diamond Leader Course
Little League International Diamond Leader Course
Additional District 68 required coaches trainings
Abuse Awareness training
Concussion HEADS UP to Youth Sports training
Sudden Cardiac Arrest training


